The following are the terms of reference for the Environment Committee, as agreed by the Dover Society Executive Committee;

The Environment Committee continues to meet at the Dover smART premises next to the Yacht Club on the second Monday of January, March, May, July, September & November. Members also communicate and share information through a WhatsApp Group. We continue to focus on the appearance of the town, cleanliness, litter, rights of way and tourism, taking action when and where we can be effective and can make a positive difference. The Dover Society includes many rural areas around the town, and we would welcome new members from these areas to have their voice heard on these topics.

We have been following-up, with Crown Estates, its responsibility for the six badly rusted light poles on the seafront close to the Eastern Docks, two of which are missing a light. Progress it actioning the repairs is going very slowly! Crown Estates has initiated a project in its Capital Renewal programme, and it is supposed to go into design in 2024.

Project 13 Lamp posts Eastern End Dover promenade

Project 13 Lamp posts Eastern End Dover promenade

We encourage Dover Society members and members of the public to post photos of excessive litter they see to the Dover District Council (DDC) website at

We also encourage Dover Society members and members of the public to post photos of buildings in a poor state of maintenance in the town centre on the DDC website at

The website displays many of the projects that the Environment Committee is working on and is maintained by a member of the team. If you are passionate about Dover and one of the projects on this website, please join the Environment Committee and work with other team members to move things forward.

We continue to liaise with our colleague and Dover Town Council ‘Walkers are Welcome’ promoter Pam Brivio on walks in the town, Jayne Miles (Town Centres Manager, Dover District Council), Chris Townend (Growth & Development, Dover District Council) local Kent Police and other local town, district and KCC councillors.

Janet Dagys, Chair